Author Sue Perkins updates this blog herself. Please leave comments to say what you like about the site, or any suggestions for improvement.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Do you like to read?

Reading is something everybody does every day. Texts, phone numbers, shopping lists, signs, newspapers, magazines and last but not least - books.
I'd like to know what attracts readers to a book - either print or ebook. Authors are readers too so if you're a writer feel free to leave a comment.
So what does attract you to a book? Not the genre - most readers head for the type of book they normally read, before drifting toward different styles. Not the author, again the reader's preference would be the first stop.
What do you look for when searching for a book? Does the cover drag you to look at the blurb? Does the blurb encourage you to delve further? Or does the title grab you first?
For me the cover comes first, the blurb comes second and the first page comes next. If any of these don't sit well with me then I don't buy. I have passed over a book because I don't like the cover, my own personal bad, it didn't mean the book was no good.
Even if the novel meets all of the criteria above, I can still be put off by the size of the type. Very small type such as the size found in Charles Dickens books tell my brain there's probably a lot of explanation and telling instead of showing, so again I don't buy.
I'd love to hear about your personal likes and dislikes when searching for something to read.
On the 19th April I will randomly draw the name of a commenter to win a copy of my latest book Dragon Ice which will be released on 21st April. Please leave a comment to be in to win.


Jane Lovering said...

Hi Sue! I also grew up in Devon (Exeter), so it's nice to find someone else around - we seem to be an endangered species!
As to books - first (shallow as I am) if I'm browing it's the cover that attracts me, then the blurb, then I read a few pages from parts of the book. If those all grab me, the book is as good as mine. I don't really care about titles so much...

Beth Overmyer said...

The first thing that draws me is definitely the cover. It has to stand out. That's what gets me to pick the book up and read the jacket blurb. Sometimes I read the first page before the blurb, but that's rare. Another draw, not as big a one for me, is title. Well, it is the biggest draw if it's something over-the-top silly or poignant (every time I see "Wreck This Journal," I'm tempted to pick it up, but I don't. My TBR pile is already a mile-high, but maybe someday...)

As far as covers go, color is the first draw. "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" is a great example of a track-stopper (stop me in my tracks, you know.) It's bright, but not my-eyes-oh-my-eyes! sort of bright. Then the title grabbed me, because I am a wallflower. Then the blurb was interesting (Chbosky--sp?--knows how to be witty, sad, and thought-provoking all at once.) Well, it also helped that I knew a production company thought that TPOBAW was good enough for movie-format...

Congrats on your up-coming release! Best of luck,


Rosemary Gemmell said...

The first thing to draw me in is the cover/genre and then the blurb. I rarely bother reading the first page as I'm willing to give a book longer than that if I love the blurb!

Sue Perkins said...

Thank you for your comments, it's so interesting to hear what attracts other readers to books.

Margaret Tanner said...

Hi Sue,
Hope this finds you well. Great blog. I have to confess, it is the cover that has to grab me, then I need to like the blurb before I am prepared to part with my money.



Suzanne de Montigny said...

Definitely the cover first because that tells me a lot about what's inside. Then the title, then the blurb, but before I buy, the price better be good.

Sherry said...

I browse until a book pulls me, by the cover or the title, then I read the back, if it pulls me more, I'm there.

Kelley Heckart said...

I am drawn to the title and blurb.


felinewyvern said...

Normally it's the blurb that draws me in - though a good cover might attract my eyes in a brick store more than a good blurb will.

felinewyvern at googlemail dot com

Sue Perkins said...

I find it interesting that most people go for the cover. A print author I know can't understand why ebooks have covers, she thinks they're totally unnecessary. Of course i disagree with her. I think some of the ebooks covers are better than print as print covers can lose some of their depth of colour. Thanks for all your comments, the draw will be on Saturday.

Cassie Exline said...
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Cassie Exline said...

What draws me to a book is the blurb. I'll admit that a bad cover will make me pause but in that case I'll check the reviews. Even if there aren't glowing comment and I still think the book is worth a shot, I'll in. I've read more than one book with a horrible cover and was pleased. The writing has nothing to do with the cover. Covers will catch my eye but has nothing to do with whether I'll buy the book or not.

Gerri Bowen said...

The cover, although I will overlook covers that don't appeal to me if I know the author's work. The story is next. If I like the blurb, I'll get the book.

Tara W said...

I look at blurbs when i'm shopping online. If i'm in a book store the first thing I notice is the cover and title and then I will read the blurb. If I like the back of the book, I usually buy it.
mizztuts AT bellsouth DOT net

Kristy McCaffrey said...

Covers are important for an initial impression, but lately I've been reading books based on reviews. I also read books based on friend's recommendations.

Gloria Clover said...

I am a sucker for a catchy title. I don't like to read the blurbs because they normally give too much of the book away. But then I buy by author. If I'm trying someone new, I'll go to the first page before I'll read the back blurb.

jude urbanski said...

I'm a sucker for a good back blurb. this usually does it for me.

Sue Perkins said...

I'm delighted to announce Ilona is the winner of my new release Dragon Ice. I've sent it to your email address Ilona, please advise if there's any problem. Thank you all for participating with this post. I found it very interesting how different readers decide on the books they read.